Jack and the Beanstalk is, by far, the fairy tale that has most intrigued our boys. During the past month they have asked me to read it all most every day and, on their own, they started to act out the story - "fee fi fo fum" has become a common phrase in our house. I decided to focus their passion into a little crafting - no surprise there - and we created our own Jack and the Beanstalk scene. staring Robin as Jack and a Green Lantern as the Giant Since this project developed over several days I don't have a picture of all our supplies but here is a list. boot box wrapping paper tube green and blue paint paint brushes green construction paper scissors green glitter glue hole puncher pipe cleaners 60 popsicle sticks tape white glue glue gun cotton balls easter grass We started by using our dish-wands to paint a wrapping paper tube green. Then we painted the inside of a boot box blue I drew leaf shapes o...