These past couple weeks have been busy ones. Lots & lots of time spent with people. Which can get a bit overwhelming and exhausting for my introverted personality. I have had to take time to refuel but in those times I've also reflected on how incredibly blessed I am to have so many wonderful people in my life. Friends that despite my bent toward introversion I hunger to spend time with - they are people who speak truth to my soul and leave me feeling encouraged. Early in the week we had a dear family over for dinner and s-mores. After the excitement of fire and marshmallows died down the dads pulled out there guitars and then pretty soon the kids were all carrying out their own instruments. It was one of those amazing moments when the beauty of life fills your heart so full it starts to ache. Watching Jeremy be a dad fills my heart in a similar way. He's so good with our kids: patient, encouraging, quick to laugh. He makes me a better mom! Las...