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Showing posts from January, 2013

Mommy Style Summary

It was very cold here last week - negative two degrees one day! Thus, all these pictures being taken inside...I'm not hardcore enough to risk frost bite for better lighting.  SUNDAY cardigan: zara, shirt: anthropologie, skirt: thrift , bracelets: target belt + shoes: gift MONDAY sweater: gap, pants: anthropologie, boots: target, necklace: francesca's  TUESDAY hat: gap, earrings: target, sweater + shirt: thrift, necklace: f21,  pants: anthropologie, shoes: dsw Want more? Check out these link parties to see lots of other ladies having fun with their clothes: Watch What I'm Wearing , Sunday Style ,   Monday Mingle , and What I Wore Wednesday .  

Mommy Style Summary

SUNDAY cardigan + pants: thrift, shirt: old navy, shoes: gift  MONDAY hat + sweater: gap, dress: anthropologie, boots: piperlime, coat: gift I've been wearing stocking hats a lot lately. They do help keep warm but if I'm honest the main reason I wear them is so I don't have mess with my despertaly-needs-cut-but-i'm-tryting-to-grow-it-out hair.  SATURDAY hat: gap, cardigan: target, dress: florence, shoes: dsw Want more? Check out these link parties to see lots of other ladies having fun with their clothes: Watch What I'm Wearing , Sunday Style ,   Monday Mingle , and What I Wore Wednesday .  

Kid Style Summary

Here's a look a look at what my kiddos have been wearing lately.  litte lady shirt: gift (zara), skirt: gift (target), tight + shoes: hand-me-downs little lady coat: old navy, hat: target, boots + leggings: gifts  little lady  hat: target, sweater + tights: hand-me-downs, skirt: thrift, boots: gift big buddy sweater: gift (target), t-shirt: gift, jeans: old navy, shoes: gift mini mans shirts + pants: gifts, shoes: hand-me-downs I also have to throw in these two "outtake" pictures - I love this kid's spunk. 

Fun with Glitter

When it comes to style and design, Jeremy and I pretty much agree on everything. The exception, is glitter. I think it's wonderful and can improve almost any project; he is very fond of calling it "the herpes of crafts". Since I adore him, I have conceded and glitter is very limited in our house. I however, couldn't resist breaking out our one bottle to try my hand at dressing up a pair of damaged shoes.  I got these shoes at a street market in Florence and they were my favorites until I spilled peanut oil all over them - natural peanut butter is now and forever banned from our home! The smart thing to do would have been to take them to a shoe repair shop, but I tried to clean them up myself and made things worse instead of better. I was working up the strength to throw them out when I started seeing DIY glitter shoes on my Pinterest wall and decided it was worth a try since we had everything on hand.  My supplies : old shoes, extra fine glitter (a cheap bot...

Mommy Style Summary

Another week where I didn't make it out of my pajamas very often. At the beginning of the week we all succumbed to the flu so there was no leaving the house or really the couch for that matter. Thankfully, by Thursday everyone seemed to be bouncing back.  THURSDAY scarf: diy, dress: thrift, cardigan + leggings: target, boots: piperlime FRIDAY hat + cardigan: gap, necklace: francesca's, shirt + pants: anthropologie,  shoes: dsw Want more? Check out these link parties to see lots of other ladies having fun with their clothes: Watch What I'm Wearing , Sunday Style ,   Monday Mingle , and What I Wore Wednesday .  

Small Graces

A weekly reflection inspired in part by Bob Bennett's song "Small Graces". it's comforting to know my friendly neighborhood spiderman is always close by those dimples...they melt my heart every time pretty new dishes this girl is so much fun to dress the comfort of favorite blankets, books, and swords the beginning of a new story and cute little toes boxers sick cuddles book worms fortress designers These past two weeks our family has been battling the flu - luckily I think we've finally scared it off. I always find times of illness bittersweet. The fever, body aches, and extra whininess sucks, but there is also a sweet calmness and peace that comes over our house. We spent most of our time in our pajamas curled up on the couch with blankets and piles of books. The kids took turns falling in and out of sleep in my arms the way they did as babies. I'm thankful that we are all better but I also know I'll...

Mommy Style Summary

Only two outfits this week. With the holidays and then almost everyone in our house getting sick (Little Lady is the lone survivor) there just haven't been many reasons for leaving the comfort of pajamas. MONDAY scarf: diy, sweatshirt: old navy, jeans: gap, shoes: thrift Miraculously, on Thursday afternoon everyone in our house had reprieve from illness so Jeremy and I escaped for an extended date. We spent a couple hours in Starbucks doing a little 2013 family organizing/planning. Then we went to dinner at Red Lobster - we had a gift card - and the movie Les Miserable - it was extraordinary! This dress is a recent purchase from Anthropologie. I normally wouldn't indulge in hot pink lace but it fits perfectly, was on sale, and I had gift card. I plan on wearing it to a couple weddings we will be attending this summer, but in the mean time, it's fun to wear with casual winter layers.  THURSDAY  sweater + shoes + belt: thrift, dress: anthropologie br...

Lindsey 2012 Review

A Very Lindsey Christmas

I know it's already past New Year's but I still have to share a few pictures of our Christmas with Jeremy's side of the family. In my defense, our celebration didn't take place until the thirtieth.  since baby wren's arrival, aunt heather's and uncle kyle's laps have become very popular enjoying a movie with uncle colby helping with some last minute present addressing papa and maca finished restoring this beautiful mantle just in time for christmas little lady trying her best to take care of baby wren she also wanted to try on every piece of clothing she received i suspect that emily and dan gave this toy to baby wren just so they could have excuse to play with it cosy everyone pitched in for a new keurig - it was a hit :)   syracuse love this kid! 

A New Year

I've never really given much thought to the New Year. The hype and excitement for a fresh start and resolutions has always been lost on me...until 2012. It's been been a hard year. It feels strange to say that because outwardly, the physical things that I can touch and concretely describe weren't bad: Jeremy has a job he enjoys, our bills are getting paid, the kids are growing and learning, we are all healthy. In many ways I have been greatly blessed. Inside my mind and soul, though, there's been a battle. I've been surprised by attacks of depression and anxiety. Unprepared I have had so many moments this last year were I felt like I have failed. Where my actions/behavior have left me full of shame. Moments where I felt like I'd lost myself. I've tried many times to come up with defensive plans (exercise, diet, prayer) and many times I've been defeated. Nothing else I've ever encounter in my life has left me feeling so powerless. But I have hope ...