I find zoos to be quite enchanting, as they offer a broader-than-normal view of God's masterful design. We are fortunate enough this year to have season passes so the kids and I will be visiting the zoo a lot. This last week's trip was extra special though, because Husbandie took the day off and joined us - he makes everything a bit more fun.
two silly monkeys teasing a not-so-scary crocodile |
Brookfield zoo has a special play zoo for young children. This was the first time we ventured in and the kids all had a blast - we weren't sure we were going to ever be able to pull them away.
mini man wanted to be painted like an elephant |
i think husbandie did a pretty good job |
when we knew it was time to call it day |
Small Graces are a weekly reflection inspired in part by Bob Bennett's song, "Small Graces".
"these are the small graces, the moments with the miracles come...
they are a reminder to the heart their is more to life than meets the eye...
He is in the small graces...
little glimpses of the kingdom come..."
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