A weekly reflection inspired in part by Bob Bennett's song "Small Graces".
These are the small graces, little moments when the miracles come...
Small graces leading me to the larger one...

Last week was filled with so many good things: a day out with friends, crisp fall weather, halloween...
On Tuesday we met some friends at the Discover Center Museum. It had been awhile since our last visit so the kids were excited to revisit some of their favorites exhibits, like the shadow room. They also had some new exhibits. The kids were especially pumped about the Build It/Make It room.

My kids have a great fondness for Halloween. I secretly do to! I love the costumes, greeting neighbors, and of course the candy. It's become a tradition for Maca to buy all her grandkids Halloween pajamas, which makes the countdown even more fun.
We had told them this year that since they have an extensive dress-up collection that we were not making or buying costumes...they had to be content with what they had. Mini Man, however, convinced Jeremy and I to make him a last minute Michelangelo costume...it's impossible to say no to those big sincere hazel eyes.
Except for Halloween, which was pretty cold, the weather around here as been gorgeous - brisk but sunny. We've been spending a lot of time outdoors, trying to make the most of it. I'm dreading the hassle of boots, hats, and gloves.
The leaves have finally started to fall off our tree so Jeremy put the kids to work raking today. They are getting so big that they are actually helpful. Of course they also mixed in a bit of fun.
Hope your week is filled with lots of small graces!
they are a reminder to the heart there is more to this life than meets they eye...
He is in the small graces, the little moments when the miracles come...
small graces pointing me to the larger one...
little glimpses of the kingdom come
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