The wedding last Saturday was wonderful! The
location was beautiful, the bride stunning. It was so much fun seeing family and old friends. The road trip was also a huge blessing - it gave husbandie and I over 10 hours of uninterrupted time to talk! There was only one negative of the trip, we forgot our camera! We bought some photo apps and tried taking pictures with our ipad and iphone but didn't have much success. Husbandie did get some pictures of my outfit, which I was all excited about it until I noticed that the grandmother of the bride was wearing a very, VERY similar dress. Wish we would of had a camera just so I could of gotten a picture with her.
Saturday Earrings: Borrowed, Dress: Florentine, Bracelets: Target, Purse: Gift, Shoes: Frock Swap |
Monday Earrings: F21, Shirt: Florentine, Pants: Gap, Bracelets: Target, Shoes: Aldo |
Tuesday Sunglasses: Charming Charlies, Shirt #1: Target, Shirt #2: VS, Scarf: Thrifted,
Skirt: Target, Shoes: Frock Swap |
Thursday Earrings: Target, Shirt: H&M, Belt: Target, Shorts: Thrifted, Shoes: Florentine |
Friday: Earrings: Target, Necklace: Gift, Shirt#1: F21, Shirt #2: Target, Belt: Thrifted,
Shorts: F21, Shoes: Florentine |
I also thought I'd throw in a couple pictures of Kayleia. Because, one, she added a little bit too much of her own "special flair" to my Wednesday outfit. Two, I think this was the last time I'll be able to fit her in to this cute green shirt. And three, in my humble-but-accurate opinion, she's just really cute.
I love Thursday's outfit. I could totally wear that.