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Bookworms in Training: July 4th/Revolutionary War Books.

If you are frequent visitor to our blog, you've probably picked up on the fact that we are pretty big fans of books. We considered them 'friends' and enjoy that they introduce us to all kinds of new discoveries. The first thing, I always do when we start a new school unit/topic is look for great books. I also do this, whenever, this kids organically develop their own interests. Which means to my dismay, that I currently know far more about scorpions than I'd like to - knowledge just makes them even more gross and scarier! That book lists, however, will have to wait till another time. With July 4th, just around corner we've started reading, once again, about our country's Independence Day. Below is a list of our current favorite reads. 

  1. Jake Johnson: The Story of a Muleby Tres SeymourA silly story of a stubborn mule who  is  suppose to pull the fireworks in to town but refuses to move. The battle between the farmer's wife and mule will have have your children (and hopefully you) laughing. 
  2. Apple Pie Fourth of July, by Margaret Chodos-Irvine - A young Chinese immigrant is afraid that her parents do not understand the 4th of July. This book is great way to  start  a discussion about diversity and the melting pot that is America. The brightly colored collage illustrations are sure to draw your children's interests. 
  3. Red, White, and Boom!, by Lee Warlaw - A great book for young children. The pictures are brightly colored and the simple rhyming text will delight them. 
  4. Happy 4th of July, Jenny Sweeney!, by Leslie Kimmelman, - Another great rhyming book for young children. 
  1. The First Independence Day Celebration, by Kathy Allen - This is a great introductory book to the the Declaration of Independence/Revolutionary War. Language is simple and brief but still provides a great base of information. The ink and watercolor illustrations are very detailed and engaging, Hopefully, this book will spark your child's curiosity to learn more. Another, Kathy Allen, book you may also be interested in reading is, The First American Flag.
  2. American: A Patriotic Primer, by Lynne Cheney - Joyful bright colored illustrations make this alphabet book a delight. The larger print in the book contains a brief description of the letter word and how it relates to America. Smaller print gives more details that will delight knowledge seeking children and adults. 
  3. F is for Flag, by Wendy Cheyette - A great introduction to our nation's flag. Covers what the flag stands for and many of the traditions that surround it. Another patriotic book by Wendy Cheyette you may want interest in is,  L if for Liberty.
  4. Those Rebels, John and Tom, by Barbara Kerley - Tells the tale of two unlikely partners who put aside their difference to work together toward a common goal. The spectacular colorful illustrations of this book also keep if it from feeling anything like a boring history book. The only think I didn't like about this book is that in order to accentuate the differences between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson the author downplayed the scholar that John Adams was. 
  5. Can't you Make Them Behave, King George?, by Jean Friz - As we've read about the America Revolution, Big Buddy had started to ask questions about King George III. I was delighted to find this humorous but historical book, that gives children a look at King George's side of things. Jean Friz, has written many great children's historical books.  A few other Independence Day themed ones you may want to read are: Shh! We're Writing the ConstitutionAnd Then What Happened, Paul Revere?George Washington's BreakfastWill You Sign Here, John Hancock?, and Why Don't You Get a Horse, Sam Adams.
  6. A More Perfect Union: The Story of Our Constitution, by Betsy Maestro - A great book for kids who want to know what happened after the first Independence Day and how America's government was built.  Facts are presented clearly in an easy-to-understand format. 
  7. Benjamin Franklin, by Ingri and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire - We are huge fans of Ingir and Edgar Parin D'Aularie and are slowly acquiring all their books. Their illustrations are breathtaking and their prose, while clearly defining facts, is engaging to children. This book is a bit a long and may need to broken up in to multiple reading sessions for younger children. Be sure to also check out their, George Washington, biography.
  8. The 4th of July Story, by Alice Dalgliesh - Dalgliesh, does a great job, of absorbing readers in the life and times of a colonist. This book is very engaging and is sure to capture your children's imagination. 
  9. If you Grew Up With George Washington, by Ruth Belov Gross - This was favorite of Jeremy's when he was younger. It explains what life was like for children during colony times. The book is another long one and could be a bit much for younger children to listen to all in one setting. It is, however, segmented so you could read the areas that you know would be of interest to your particular child.
  10. Phillis Sings out Freedom: The Story of George Washington and Phillis Wheatley, By Ana Malaspina - Gorgeous illustrations bring this story of the connection between Washington and Wheatley to life. Provides a great glimpse of on of the heroes that helped behind the scenes of the American Revolutions
  11. Independent Dames: What You Never Knew About the Women and Girls of the American Revolution, by Laurie Halse Anderson - A humorous but informative book about those not so often mentioned female "heros" of the Revolutionary War. The ink and watercolor illustrations of this book are delightfully captivating.  A book to definitely share with girls, but one I'm sure boys will also enjoy  (and benefit from) as well.
Hope you found this list helpful. If you are looking for more books on the American Revolution and/or Founding Fathers please also check our this post: it contains lots of chapter books for older children.  You can also find some free July 4th themed homeschool printables here. And don't forget to stop by our homeschool page for lots of unit ideas, book-lists, and crafts.

**Total Transparency - I am an Amazon associate. If you click and buy on some the links above I may earn a few cents...which will most likely be put towards buying more books. 


  1. This is one holiday we've never thought to study! What a wonderful selection of books. Thanks for sharing with us at Love to Learn; Pinned.


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